Question of the Week #3 – The Thinnest Veil

spiritworld-1Question of the Week #3 – Beyond the thinnest veil

With a major holiday right around the corner I thought I would continue with the theme from last week. If you didn’t see last week’s question just click here to catch up. Samhain is in my opinion one of the most important holidays of the year.  So many different things are going on; the God has sacrificed himself, veil is its thinnest, it is the last of the three Harvest festivals, and it is also the beginning, or end depending on your point of view, of the Wheel of the Three.  All of that and it is a ton of fun as well.

For the question we will be focusing on one aspect of Samhain. It is said that the veil between our world and the spirit world beyond is the thinnest that it will be all year long. This is our chance to commune with long gone Ancestors, Recently departed friends and loved ones. Simply put a time to contact those who have gone before. For some this means sitting vigil, others take the time to use divination tools calling on their ancestors to guide the cards and pass along their messages and wisdom.  Do you take part in this aspect of the holiday or do you focus your attention on the others? If you do look to those that have gone before you this time of year what do you do to honour them? How do you connect with them?

As much as this idea of the veil being it’s thinnest is fascinate aspect of Samhain it might also be something of a contradiction within the beliefs of Paganism.  Let me walk you through my logic in this before anyone gets too upset. First off a primary belief in the Wiccan faith is that of Reincarnation, the idea that we move from one life to the next learning lessons and evolving as spiritual beings along the way.  For many people a part of this belief is that there is a period of rest between lives that is spent in a place called the Summerland by many.  Would that mean we are limited to communicating with those who haven’t moved on? This certainly isn’t a limitation I’ve ever read about in any book before.  So with that in mind just who are we communicating with through the veil? Do our ancestors linger in the Summerland waiting to give us that one all important messages?

No matter who the message is coming from there often is a message to be heard on Samhain.  The questions you might want to ask yourself is just who is providing the message? As well as is it in your best interest to have heard it?

Darkest blessings to all of you on this the night the god died, long may he be remembered.


If you have come here from Mrs. B’s 31 Days of Halloween Blessings and welcome. In order to ear your entry here please post your thoughts on this weeks Question of the week.

3 comments for “Question of the Week #3 – The Thinnest Veil

  1. Tara Swaim
    October 26, 2009 at 12:01 pm

    Well, I find that it is REALLY important to know with whom we are speaking on the other side. Don’t want any low level entities giving us faulty information. I work with specific spirit guides, and I always do divination of some sort on Samhain. As for the speaking with loved ones that have passed over, I have a theory. Just because our learning and lessons have been completed on this earth doesn’t mean that they are completed when we are done with this body. I do believe that just as much work can be done from the other side, and that we can complete our destinies by helping out while on the other side. So I do believe that people will,” hang out” for a bit until this work is done. But again,it is super important to be absolutely sure that you know who you are talking to.
    Thanks for the post and Happy Samhain!

  2. October 26, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    I certainly believe that the veil becomes thinner at this point of theyear. Just my guts tell me so. I always prepare a special altar in honour of my beloved ones who already passed away, and make a solitary (that I am) ritual for them. My problem is that I block, I have to admit, any deeper contact from the other side. I know I am very sensitive, but I don’t feel ready to take this further. But I know my clock is there reminding me that I can’t postpone it forever. Samhain here in Brazil is in April, which may sound weird for those who follow the Northern Wheel of the Year, and some may say that it weakens the process. I don’t think so. I just need to cease to be a witch mouse, that’s it.

    Reincarnation is somehting that I have my doubts. I’d rather believe that we go to a higher level, one step above the one we are right now in this life. How high it is, it depends on our path now. So I really think that the ones who get in touch with us on Samhain are those who were linked to before their deth.

    I hope everyone has a beautiful, deep Samhain this year!

    Kisses from Nydia.
    .-= Nydia´s last blog ..Monochrome Weekly =-.

  3. Max
    December 4, 2009 at 6:47 pm

    Okies – so let me preface this by pointing out that I do not believe the dead remain intact enough to communicate with. I do not believe in ghosts, souls or spirits. I do not believe in the main version of rebirth as the Wiccan path would describe it. I have no belief that when I die, that I will remain as me, nor will I reincarnate as anything even remotely resembling me. Despite these belief’s I have, on occasion, felt the presence of the dead around me.

    I should also point out that I see no problem with holding two contradictory belief’s at the same time.

    So I have never received a message from the dead. Well, not a direct “go here” kind of message at any rate. And given my beliefs on the subject, I am not surprised. Instead, when I honor my ancestors (and I use the term ancestors not as a family-line way of the word) it is more as a memory. An acknowledgment of who they were. The goodness they brought with them. The lessons I learned from them. And the knowledge that my world is the dimmer for them not being there. The dead are the only people I actually ever miss. To me, I will never see nor hear from them again. All there is, is to cherish what they left.


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