It’s a question often asked. If ghosts are real, why doesn’t everyone see them? It would seem logical that everyone would see something if it exists. Yet, this is not the case. As easy as it is to ask this question, it’s not an easy one to answer. I will do my best to break this down to the possibilities.
People choose not to see. Yep, you read that correctly. Some people simply refuse to see what is before them. And we are not talking skeptics but people who flat out do not believe that an afterlife exists and there is no possibility of your energy being released. These are people who would suddenly suffer from uncertainty on what they thought was truth.
The ghosts don’t like them. This sounds really juvenile but I have long held a theory that intelligent hauntings have the capability of picking and choosing who sees them and who doesn’t. Let’s say a couple lives in a home haunted by a child. Perhaps this child was tormented by her father? More than likely the child will only try to communicate with the woman of the house. And if she had been tormented by her mother, perhaps she would prefer to communicate with the man of the house. In one home investigation I worked on, the ghost was an abusive male in real life and particularly unpleasant in death. He targeted the women more than men. And even in more pleasant scenarios, intelligent hauntings may simply choose someone that appeals to them. Or maybe someone that reminds them of their past.
Bad timing. Sometimes the most simplistic answer is the reason why. Ghosts require a lot of energy to manifest themselves. Reports are usually of something not lasting more than just a few seconds but perhaps as long as a minute. If you are not in the right place at the right time, you will probably miss it. I have yet to see anything manifest itself before my eyes. I pretty much believe that it has more to do with bad timing then anything else.
As you can see, there is no clear cut answer. I do have to point out that some people want to see so badly that they will imagine something is there. These are people who usually jump to the conclusion that every bump in the night is a ghost. Some of them fear death so much that they manifest it with their mind and torture themselves further. Others want to believe in an afterlife so badly that they see more than what is really there. And of course, we cannot ignore medication. Some prescription meds cause slight hallucinations or extremely vivid dreams. If you choose to investigate a home for paranormal activity, you do have to prepare for the possibility that nothing is there but the homeowner may be reacting to meds.
I know I for one do not want to see them. As when my dad died. His energy bounced off the walls and tormented me that nigh. That side door would open and slam. The curtains would move at the bottom. The dining room light was affected for as long as my brother lived in that house. It was increase and decrease the quality of the light out put. And blink on and off at times. My brother let his presence turn him into a drunk for a while.
I have seen a black form of cat. Like a panther, walk in the back door of my first house and I knew it was time to move. As it was not real. Is what I told my self. And I have never shared this with any one before now. As It sounds crazy.
But I know they exist. My daughters also had an encounter in the past at some one else’s home.But they enjoy there ghost.
Any way have a great day. I love the photo. And enjoy your post.
.-= Grammy´s last blog ..Chapter 1 The book of my life =-.
I’ve not seen one … but I don’t want to either.
But I have felt cold and sensed something like a presence.
I’d actually like to ask you about some of my experiences …
~ JoElle
One of the biggest reasons depends on the type of haunting you’re dealing with. A lot more people will experience a residual haunting for example.
I also believe that if a person is a strong skeptic there energy will almost act as a ghost repellent
.-= Ghost Hunting Equipment´s last blog ..Preparing for Your First Ghost Hunt =-.
Cool, there is actually some great ideas on here some of my subscribers may find this relevant, I will send them a link, many thanks.
I’ve not seen one … but I don’t want to either.
But I have felt cold and sensed something like a presence.
I’d actually like to ask you about some of my experiences …